The General English Full-Time Course (GEFT) is a full-time course that offers classes from Beginner to Upper-Intermediate levels. These courses are designed to equip students with the English Language skills necessary for work, travel, academic study or personal improvement.
All the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing are covered with a focus on real-life English communication skills. In addition, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are taught in expressive and more engaging ways.
Students in the programme are streamed into one of the ten levels. To join our Intensive English Programme (IEP), you need to sit for English Placement Test to confirm your current level of English language ability. Each level covers 5 hours a day, 100 hours over 4 weeks:

Our IEP (Intensive English Programme) is a starting point to develop English proficiency skills in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Students from all over the world and regions gather at LEA (London English Academy). This offers students the opportunity to meet and make new friends from various nationalities while learning English.
Because our students are from various backgrounds and languages, English is the only medium of communication. Hence, it’s an ideal environment to practice and improve their English.
Students are required to join our skills class in which they are able to build their confidence, express their opinions and practice their English communicative skills.
Level 1 (Beginner 1)
- · understand and use basic English conversations in English
- · ask and respond to simple questions appropriately
- · develop sufficient vocabulary for simple everyday situations
- · use simple English language structures correctly with little basic mistakes
- · give personal information using correct grammar and vocabulary
Level 2 (Beginner 2)
- · read a very short text with correct intonation and pronunciation
- · link words or groups of words with basic connectors
- · write short description or simple sentences based on pictures or simple events
- · write simple and compound sentences with correct punctuation and grammar
Level 3 (Elementary 1)
- · speak simple English with confidence
- · expand knowledge of high-frequency words and phrases rapidly
- · remember and pronounce new vocabulary accurately
- · communicate about related simple topics confidently
- · orally respond to texts and listening activity by using grammar and vocabulary accurately
Level 4 (Elementary 2)
- · express basic descriptions of events or activities
- · read comprehensibly with expected errors
- · understand short texts and find relevant facts or information
- · understand the gist of what is being said based on variety of entertaining and realistic situations, and be able to make sense of connected speech
- · write essays using simple, compound, and complex sentences
Level 5 (Pre-Intermediate 1)
- · speak English with confidence, with correct grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
- · increase knowledge of high-frequency words and phrases.
- · use new vocabulary in speaking and writing activities
- · make sense of connected speech
- · engage in topics and stimulating texts
Level 6 (Pre-Intermediate 2)
- · know what to say in typical situations and communicate English effectively
- · read comprehensibly and understand the main points of the texts
- · retell a story in a simple list of points
- · write a short paragraphs or report with clear descriptions of real or imaginary events and experiences expressing feelings and attitudes
- · write effective and coherent paragraphs
Level 7 (Intermediate 1)
- · revise and extend knowledge of the main grammatical structures and practice using different tenses together.
- · consolidate and extend knowledge of functional language
- · develop a good range of vocabulary on most general topics
- · communicate various topics effectively and put new vocabulary into practice.
- · know what to say in typical social situations
- · get used to listening to faster, more colloquial speech
Level 8 (Intermediate 2)
- · build new words by adding prefixes and suffixes
- · read with relative ease, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes
- · write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to areas of interest
- · write a clear descriptions of real or imaginary events and experiences, expressing feelings and attitudes
- · understand and apply the conventions of academic writing in English
Level 9 (Upper-Intermediate 1)
- · express and use English more fluently
- · communicate spontaneously with accurate grammar while adopting to the level of formality according to the circumstances
- · give clear, detailed descriptions of personal experiences
- · understand to authentic colloquial speech
- · communicate without significant vocabulary errors
- · express or talk about complex or sensitive issues with confidence
Level 10 (Upper-Intermediate 2)
- · read aloud naturally without hesitant on the pauses to express meaning
- · understand lengthy complex texts and summarize the readings orally
- · use grammar with accuracy in sentence structure
- · use a wide range of idioms and expressions
- · write a thoughtful reflection on an experience
- · write clear, detailed, well-structured and developed text on academic subjects and various topics
Monday - Friday
Intensive English Program are conducted every day except for weekends and public holidays
100 Hours Learning Per Month
Students are learning English for 100 hours in each month. Any additional learning platform prepared for students is a bonus.
5 Hours a Day
5 contact hours per day. Students might be in LEA more than that as there are several breaks in between.
Once student reach LEA Level 7 and above in our Intensive English Programme, student can sit in for IELTS Preparatory Course and plan for their IELTS Examination. The details of IELTS can be refer to this.